
VanderLinde and Band

Latest Band News

Order the new album ‘The Way I Am Wired’ now!

The new album ‘The Way I Am Wired’ has finally been released on vinyl and cd! Order it via arjan@vanderlinde.info

New Single! In My Head

‘In My Head’ is about the strange things that happen in my mind. Since I’m missing five percent of my brain, the way I experience the world is a little different from most people. Thoughts take unexpected turns, and emotions can hit harder and faster. I get angry quickly too… but it’s all part of who I am. This song takes you on a journey through the chaos and wonder inside my head.

Hope you ‘ll enjoy it and let us know what your thoughts are?

Music Video:

  • Henk Gubbels: director
  • Bas van der Linde: editor, producer and concept
  • Martijn Norder: camera and gaffer


  • Arjan van der Linde: Vocals and Bass Guitar
  • Wietze Koning: Electric Guitars
  • Christof Bauwens: Electric Guitars
  • Joost Van Soest: Drums
  • Bertolf Lentink: Lap Steel

New Single: Living The Dream

With the song ‘Living The Dream’ we announce VanderLinde’s twenty-year anniversary in 2025! Check it out and spread the word!

“There is an untold story behind every song.”

Upcoming shows


Date City Venue Country
Tour: 20 Years On The Road Tour
04/12/25 Assen, Drenthe VanderVeen Netherlands
Time: 12:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Koopmansplein 16. Venue phone: 0592 331803. Instore Record Store Day More information
04/12/25 Hoogezand, Groningen Novacek Netherlands
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Meint Veningastraat 132. Venue phone: 0598-392551. Instore Record Store Day
04/25/25 Goslar Goslarische Höfe Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Okerstraße 32.
05/29/25 Hagen am Teutoburger Wald Gaststätte zum Stock Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Zum Jägerberg 2.
06/07/25 Bottrop Hennie´s Inn Kleinkunstbühne Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Horster Straße 377. Venue phone: +49 151 29 90 51 21.
06/08/25 Wyk auf Föhr, Pitschis Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Promenade 13. Venue phone: +49 4681 7471975.
06/09/25 Hamburg, Hamburg Cowboy und Indianer Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Reeperbahn 25.
07/05/25 Oberhausen Wohnzimmer concert (Privat Party) Germany
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages.
07/12/25 Großenbrode Promenadenfest Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Südstrand.
08/13/25 Hamburg Landhaus Walter Netherlands
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Otto-Wels-Straße 2.
08/13/25 Hamburg, Hamburg Cowboy und Indianer Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Reeperbahn 25.
08/23/25 Anderen, Drenthe Nijend 24 Netherlands
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 06 – 533 233 46 / 06 – 51 51 11 11. Address: Nijend 24. Venue phone: 06-53323346 / 06 51511111. Website: http://nijend24.nl Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nijend24 Youtube: https://youtube.com Email: info @ nijend24 . nl Buy Tickets
08/31/25 Buitenpost Paviljoen MeM Netherlands
Time: 3:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 06 57565871. Address: Egypte 16a. Venue phone: 0657565871. VanderLinde: “20 Years on the Road” 2025 is een bijzonder jaar voor de Groningse countryrock band VanderLinde. De band bestaat 20 jaar en om deze bijzonder mijlpaal te vieren, speelt de band voor het eerst een reeks theatershows en is het 9e studioalbum “The Way I’m Wired” gereleased. De eerste theatershows vinden plaats op: 23 en 32 augustus en op 5, 20 en 27 september. De kaartverkoop gaat binnenkort starten. VanderLinde heeft de afgelopen jaren een indrukwekkende reputatie opgebouwd met talloze optredens in binnen- en buitenland, vooral in Duitsland. Ze hebben het podium gedeeld met grootheden als Fish, Jethro Tull en Bobby Kimball, en schitterden als headliner op diverse festivals en podia. Dit programma viert 20 jaar tourleven. Bereid je voor op een avond vol muzikale ambacht uit VanderLinde’s rijke repertoire, afgewisseld met de kleurrijke en meeslepende verhalen van frontman Arjan van der Linde. Zijn anekdotes zijn hilarisch en ontroerend en niemand vertelt ze zo sappig als Arjan zelf! Mis deze unieke kans niet om VanderLinde live te beleven en deel te worden van hun muzikale reis. Wees erbij en vier mee! Buy Tickets
09/05/25 Assen, Drenthe De Nieuwe Kolk Netherlands
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Weiersstraat 1. Venue phone: 088 012 88 88.
09/20/25 Veendam, Groningen vanBeresteyn Netherlands
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 0598 634566. Address: Museumplein 5a.
09/27/25 Hoogezand, Groningen Kielzog Netherlands
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Hoofdstraat 258. Venue phone: 0598 373777. info@kielzog.nl
10/12/25 Engelbert, Groningen Engelstede Netherlands
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 0031652392320. Address: Woldjerspoorweg 5. Venue phone: 0653292320. Buy Tickets
12/09/25 Suhl Gambrinus Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 036 81 / 30 97 44. Address: Neundorfer Straße 5. Buy Tickets
12/10/25 Sömmerda Piano Germany
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 03634 / 60 12 33. Address: Kölledaer Straße 4. csaba@piano-livemusiclocation.de Buy Tickets

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